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This form closed on 2024-11-09 00:00:00.




•Hershkovich Family•

L'ilui Nishmas Howie's mother Leah Sarah bas Zev



•Elana and James Nussbaum•

L'ilui Nishmas Avi Mori, Asher Ben Eliezer, Mr. Allen Nussbaum Z"L.

Thank you Rebbe for the continued inspiration.



•Cynthia and Harry Kotowitz

לזכר נשמת

Al and Lana Lipner

אברהם זאב בן מרדכי
לאנא בת מאיר יצחק




•Jeff & Sharona Weinberg•

L'ilui Nishmas Jeff's father Dovid ben Yosef

On His Yahrtzeit



In Honor of Rav Moshe Weinberger Shlit"a

Thank you for the spreading the light of chasidus and changing our neighborhood and all of our lives.


•Danielle & Amy Gibber•

In honor of Rebbe & Rebbetzin Weinberger and our dear children



•Aaron & Sarah Greenblott•

L'ilui Nishmas Yamima Bas Avraham


•Steve and Lynn Kanner•

In honor of Rebbe, and the upcoming Chasuna of Sarah Perkal and Aharon Fox


•Thalheim Family•



Naomi & Yossi Wargon

Z'chus for a Refua Shleima for Shmuel Gavriel Ben Reizel


Simmy & Aviva Zieleniec

L'ilui Nishmas Rav Kalonymus Kalman Shapira HY"D and in honor of Rav Weinberger, the Rebbetzin and the entire Aish Kodesh Kehilla.


Abe Topiel and family

In memory of a very courageous woman
Mrs. Perla Topiel
whose yahrzeit is 3 days in marcheshvan

לע״נ אמי מורתי פערל בת אפרים נחמן ע״ה



Chesky and Adina Wertman

Refuah Shelaymah Elimelech Yisroel Halevi ben Adina Etyah
betoch shar cholei yisroel.

Eddie and Lisa Pantiliat

In Honor of Rebbe, Rebbetzin and the entire Aish Kodesh Kehila.

Henry & Beverly Schachar

In honor of Rebbe Shlit"a and our Rebbetzin who help keep our fires of Yiddishkeit burning ever brighter.

Bugayer Family

Naomi and Baruch Ross

For the continued refuah of Liba bas Sara Zeisel and Gavriel Chaim ben Sasha



Kalman and Ayala Goldstein
Achdus of kal yisroel

Alex & Brianna Gumpel
In honor of Rebbe, Rebbetzin, & the entire kehilla.

BB & Franny Cohen

Steve and Joanne Levine
Yartzeit of the Aish Kodesh,
Refuah shleimah Yitzchok ben Yehudis, Chava Rachel bat Moshe, Moshe ben Yaacov haCohein, & Aidel bat Reuven

Mendy and Liba Friedlander and family
In honor of Rav and Rebbitzen Weinberger

Chaim & Keri Light
B’zchus Rebbe and Aish Kodesh



Moshe and Aliza Pilevsky
In honor of Trumps re-election tomorrow night

​​​​​​​Amy and Moshe Weiss
For all the chayalim and chayalot protecting all of Am Yisrael.
Of course, Rebbe and the Rebbetzin for their inspiration and fire.

​​​​Avi Esses
L'ilui Nishmas the Aish Kodesh

​​​​​​​Yankel Rosenberg
Z'chuso Yagen Aleinu

Alex & Esther Shulman
In honor of the Chaverim.


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785